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End Online: Volume 6 Page 6

  “Coming!” I call out, moving into my wheelchair and rolling toward the front door, while attempting to straighten my hair in the process.

  I can’t even imagine the sorry sight I must present as I open the door to see Markus (Sir Laurence) standing there preparing to knock a third time. He is wearing a thick black coat and matching scarf to ward off the frost. Even dressed casually, he has the bearing of a prince.

  “Don’t you look lively this morning,” he says amusedly. “If we don’t leave soon, we will be late, you know. Not good for the first day.”

  “Ah, yes, give me a moment.”

  As I turn around and head toward the bathroom to clean up, Markus lets himself into my house, peeking around where he doesn’t belong. I want to say something, but he isn’t doing any harm. He is also the person taking me to school so I shouldn’t be too rude.

  It isn’t until I am in the middle of brushing my teeth that he calls out from another room, “Hey, why isn’t there a certain white haired beauty in your bed? I was hoping to see her all wrapped up in the bed sheets, one leg sticking out, her nipples within an inch of being exposed… Exhausted after a long night of-“

  “Wha tha ‘ell are ‘ou ‘aying!” I shout with a mouthful of toothpaste after almost choking on the toothbrush itself.

  A mellow laughter comes from my room, shortly followed by silence. Feeling nervous, I quickly finish up and return to my bedroom. I barely make it in time, stopping Markus from putting on my V-Link and witnessing Fen in the bed.

  “Why are you so different compared to when you’re playing the game?”

  “Because I am hoping to meet girls. If I can find my next girlfriend, that would be even better,” Markus shamelessly says, as if his behavior is the most natural thing in the world.

  I have a headache trying to understand this person.

  “I don’t get it.”

  “Listen, right now it is just us guys so we can have fun. But if you want to meet girls, you have to be serious. No girl would ever date a guy who isn’t serious. Well, in your case, you seem to have one literally hanging from your arm so you probably wouldn’t understand.”

  I have never had a girlfriend, and ever since dropping out of school I was busy working to support my two sisters and this house, so socializing was a very minor part of my life. Despite this, even I know that Markus’s approach is completely wrong for finding love, or at least a meaningful relationship.

  Refusing to comment on the subject when he presses me about what’s happened between Fen and myself, I push him out of the room and get dressed. There is no school uniform as it is university, so I pick out some casual clothing. It is still winter, so I also don a thick coat.

  After I am done changing, I meet Markus out in front of my house. He didn’t come in the same chauffeured car as he took me home in last time, but instead brought a limousine.

  “Isn’t that… a bit much?” I nervously ask him as I point at the vehicle.

  “Nonsense, it is best to enter university grandly. It is also the first day, when all the introductions will take place, so we need to leave a good impression.”

  I think that I understand Markus a little better now. Whether it is in the game as Sir Laurence, or real life as Markus, he really likes to show off.

  Trying to put aside the embarrassing thought of being the only people to arrive at the university in a limousine, I get into the car with Markus’ aid and his butler places my wheelchair in the trunk.

  The limousine engine is the latest model, turning on without a single vibration. It soon leaves and I look through the tinted windows to see the neighbors staring flabbergasted from within their homes.

  “So Hollis, we are just two guys here. Tell me, how far have you gone with Fen?” Markus stares at me with prying eyes.

  Knowing that no answer will be in my favor, I hold my silence. Markus takes no heed of this and continues talking about the subject.

  “Come on. I won’t tell anybody you know. I’ve been with a few girls myself, but none as hot as her. What was it like?”

  “That is completely none of your business!”

  “Oh! So something has happened, huh.”

  Markus’ eyes seem to pierce through me and I instantly regret opening my mouth. I’m screaming in my mind at him that nothing has happened, but I know that isn’t entirely true.

  “What about that Verity? She’s stunning as well. But she’s mine, you hear? No two-timing and going after her as well.”

  I bite my tongue for the next twenty minutes of the trip. Markus doesn’t stop talking the entire way to university and I start to think I prefer him as Sir Laurence.

  Even though we left late due to my sleeping in, there is still half an hour before the welcoming ceremony for all the new and returning students begins. However, nearly all of the students have already arrived. Markus is grumbling beside me that he wanted to be here earlier so he could approach the new female students before anyone else. I would hit him if he was within arm’s reach at the moment.

  Seeing the limousine stop at the front of the university, many students look over as they whisper among themselves. I don’t have much time as to try and figure out what it is about before the butler opens the door and helps me out and into my wheelchair.

  Many of the students see me as a cripple, and a hint of pity shows on their expressions. This changes quickly when Markus steps out of the car and dazzles everyone. The guys throw looks of envy and hate his way while the girls seem to be instantly infatuated. Seeing the hateful glares directed at someone other than me when I have Fen on my arm is a refreshing feeling.

  Yeah, this definitely feels good.

  Markus is like a stone wall, not even recognizing the glares as he dismisses his butler and starts pushing me toward the gate.

  Even from out front, the university is huge. A massive sliding gate of steel bars is wide open, revealing the paved paths, freshly maintained gardens, a small recreational park, and four large white buildings. Half the view is blocked off, however, by a large group of male students gathered together.

  From inside the crowd, I hear a familiar voice, “Excuse me. My boyfriend is here now so can you all step back?”

  The crowd makes way as Verity (Verde) steps out and walks toward us, her hair swaying with each step. All of the boys glare at Markus as she heads over.

  To Markus’s, the onlookers’, and especially my surprise, rather than going to stand next to Markus, she bends forward, wraps her arms around my neck, and kisses me on the cheek.

  “Just go along with it,” Verity coquettishly whispers into my ear.

  Without waiting for anyone to react, she quickly nudges Markus aside and takes control of pushing me in the wheelchair.

  It isn’t until we are within the university gates that Markus catches up. Verity hums to herself as she pushes me around the campus so we can look around. Sporting a look of defeat for the first time today, Markus is silent.

  I meet many students along the way. One of the senior returning students even joins us and becomes a tour guide. It isn’t until he asks for Verity’s number and she responds that I am her boyfriend that he quietly disappears. I start to feel a little sorry for Markus, who looks more and more depressed with every person she tells that I am her boyfriend.

  After exploring the university, we arrive at a large outdoor amphitheatre used for drama productions and acting classes. I can’t ascend the stairs, so the three of us sit along a space in the bottom row.

  It isn’t long before a man in his late forties arrives onstage with a microphone. Clearing his throat a few times, he taps the microphone to test it and pretends that there is no one else in the amphitheatre.

  Finishing his business, he looks up at the students and begins his introduction.

  “A welcome to all the new students. Everyone who is returning after the long break to continue their studies, you already know who I am. For those who don’t, I am the vice-principal of Cambridge University, Sandy Lauder.”

  I listen to him prattle on about everything the university offers and the benefits of studying here. His speech is incredibly dull and I’m not the only one who starts nod off.

  After the welcoming speech, Lauder dismisses us with instructions on where to find the schedules for each course. Verity pushes me to the location, where a large electronic board is displaying the schedules.

  It doesn’t take long to find the schedule for Philology and Semiotics mixed in with the others. It only consists of three half-day classes each week. There is one on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday.

  Verity’s and Markus’s courses have the same schedule as each other, three half-day and another full-day class. The half-day classes conveniently coincide with mine, but there is the other full-day class on Fridays.

  “We all have our own classes to go to. Shall we separate here?” I ask Verity and Markus nervously. I haven’t been to school in a long time, so I feel a little out of place.

  “Yeah. Hollis, shall we meet at the front gate at lunch before we leave?”

  Verity stares daggers at Markus before saying, “How can you just leave like that. Hollis, as your girlfriend, allow me to take you to your class.”

  “Ah, thank you, but really, why do I have to play the role of your boyfriend? My first day here and I already have so many guys hating me.”

  “They wouldn’t dare touch a man in a wheelchair. You are practically immune to them, isn’t it great? And, well, it keeps them from bothering me too much. Let me continue on with my little white lie?”

  “Argh, fine. I won’t tell anyone that you’re not my girlfriend, but I won’t be telling everyone that you are either.”

  “That’s fine, just leave that to me.” Verity gives me a confident smile that makes me feel like I am missing something. I can’t quite put my finger on it, but she’s definitely acting suspiciously.

  I silently listen to some of the random conversations around us as Verity takes me to class. It isn’t until I arrive in front of a large classroom on the first floor of the university’s second building – often just referred to as the second wing – that it occurs to me.

  ‘Why didn’t you just have Markus be your fake boyfriend? He would jump off a bridge if you asked him to, let alone be the target of all the boys’ hate. Could it be that you actually like me? Or just like me more?’ My thoughts continue to circle around and around. Whether I’m right or completely wrong, I’m unable to come up with a better reason.

  It is too late to ask Verity, as she has already left, so I can only enter the classroom and ask her later as to why she doesn’t just have Markus be her fake boyfriend.

  There are eleven other people in the classroom – eight female and three male students. A large digital white board is installed on the wall at the front of the classroom. The teacher’s podium is connected to this display, and anything they write on the top of the podium displays on the wall.

  I greet half of the class one by one, but regardless whether they are male or female, each one turns away and ignores me. I don’t feel like arguing after an already exhausting morning, so I find a table near the front of class and move the chair aside so I can wheel myself into place.

  My next big shock arrives in the form of my teacher. The teacher is none other than my aunt who completely loathes me: Aunt Jude. She is equally shocked to see me here, her lower jaw becoming unhinged in the process of recognizing me.

  It doesn’t take long for her to regain her composure. Jude stares daggers at me as she stands behind the teacher’s podium at the front of the classroom.

  “Good morning class. I will be your instructor for first year Philology and Semiotics. You may refer to me as Miss Sylvester. The university board of directors requested that I come teach you so I will do so to the best of my ability.”

  “Today will be an introduction into Philology and Semiotics. I will discuss the meaning of the two and how they relate. Make sure to write as much down as you can and study it again later.”

  I feel like Jude is speaking to everyone except me, but regardless I still take out a notebook and diligently start writing down as much as possible. This is a subject that makes my blood boil and I can’t seem to calm myself.

  “Philology is the study of ancient languages. They are forgotten languages with no known way to decipher them. Semiotics is the study of signs and symbols in the process of communication. The two are related in that a language is merely a compilation of signs and symbols. You all take your knowledge of communication for granted, but you will soon understand the difficulty of communication when you try to decipher an ancient language.”

  “Here is one example of an ancient language from primitive times. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and that is indeed true.”

  Jude places the photograph down on the podium and it is reflected upon the white board. The picture is of a cave wall with various drawings scratched into the stone and overlaid with some sort of paint or pigment.

  “This form of communication cannot be directly translated into our language, which makes it all the more difficult. In fact, most forgotten languages can’t be translated solely because they are far too different in origin. However, we can summarize the intent, the meaning within the picture, in words that others can understand.”

  The picture is removed from the podium and another one replaces it. The new photo is of a torn manuscript of unknown origin. It is covered with countless small symbols, nearly every single one of them different from another.

  “This is the language of a forgotten civilization that was far more advanced than we are today. It has a more precise meaning than a picture on a wall and can be used to store information on a much higher level. However, it also cannot be translated back into our language directly. Can anyone tell me why?”

  One of the students at the back of the class, a pretty girl with glossy black hair and appears to be fresh out of high school, raises her hand and answers, “Miss Sylvester, is it because their method of communication was too different from ours?”

  The girl’s answer appears to be the general consensus, but I had a different thought as to why. As I raise my own hand and am about to speak, Jude ignores me and starts talking herself. Ironically, the conclusion I had come to was indeed the correct one.

  “That is incorrect.” Jude glares at me as if to say don’t speak in her class and just listen. “There are already tens of languages with different dialects within our world, yet they can all be directly translated even if they are structured a little differently. The reason the forgotten languages cannot be translated is because they had words for things and techniques that we have never encountered before. How can you translate a concept that does not exist in our current language?

  “To be able to understand it, you must understand what it is that the word or symbol is used for. Even if you cannot transcribe the name into our current language, as least we can comprehend it.

  “Translation follows comprehension. Forget about translating each and every symbol or word as you go. Read and understand the sentence in the language that it is written in. Once you know what is being expressed, you can begin translating it into English or any other modern language. This is the basis of Philology and Semiotics.”

  Several more questions are asked by the students and Jude quickly and concisely answers each and every one. I have to admire her efficiency as a teacher, but I still cannot bring myself to like her.

  The entire morning is spent discussing theory and philosophy of the study. There is no bell for lunch, but Jude packs her belongings up at half past twelve and bids the students farewell. Some of the other students seem tired and weary from trying to understand the intent behind her explanations, but I am wide awake and feeling enlightened.

  Just as everyone starts to leave the classroom, Verity arrives at the door with a smile that entrances both male and female students alike. Only briefly greeting the other students, she quickly moves over to me, calling me “darling�
� before pushing me out of the room. Everyone stares in disbelief, especially Aunt Jude.

  Classes for all three of us are finished for the day, so we have no plans to stay at school any longer. CaptainGordon, Mason, Matrix and Fen are waiting for us after all. As Verity and I are heading toward the front gate where Markus is waiting, I can’t help but recall my thoughts from this morning.

  “Oh, Verity, I almost forgot. Why not just ask Markus to be your fake boyfriend? Surely he suits you better than I do. Could it be that you-”

  Before I can finish speaking, Verity hits me on top of my head from behind. She didn’t hit me hard enough to actually hurt, but I wasn’t expecting it so I flinch in surprise.

  “You have no tact, do you? Hmph, encouraging that idiot will only cause more problems. Besides, aren’t you happy to have me as a fake girlfriend?”

  She tenderly rubs the top of my head where she hit me, and I forget to reply in the moment of bliss. Before I realize it, we are already outside the university and Markus is helping me into the car. Verity waves goodbye before heading off to where another car is waiting to pick her up.

  After Markus follows me into the limousine, he gives me a reproachful stare.

  “W-what?” I ask him warily despite already knowing it is about Verity.

  “I told you that she was mine and you still went after her. What a horrible friend.”

  “I didn’t do anything and you know it! She just went and did that on her own…”

  “But you didn’t refute it, did you? Happily playing along despite knowing how much I like her.” Markus gives me a glare that is full of enmity.

  Getting a little angry at his stubbornness, I coldly respond, “If you care for her so much, why don’t you stop flirting with every girl you see? Of course she ignores you.”

  “Hmph, have you even had a girlfriend before? No? How unsurprising. I have had plenty and it is because I treat all women equally. How can I be nice to one and not another?”