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End Online: Volume 6 Page 21

  I carefully watch Fen and Ladon’s struggle, not allowing my eyes to turn away from their depleting health bars. With both nearly out of health points and my heart about to burst out of my chest in anxiety, Ladon manages to gain the upper hand on Fen with his versatile serpent body and pins her down.

  “No!” I cry out desperately, charging forward across the frozen swamp water, slipping and sliding.

  I can tell I won’t be able to make it in time at my current speed. Out of desperation, I once again use ‘Perceptual Sight’. My surroundings seem to become frozen in time, everything moving sixty percent slower than normal. At the same time, a splitting pain in my mind surges with a feeling like my head will soon burst open.

  Squinting my eyes while fighting back against the pain, I regain my footing on the ice and almost double my previous speed. I arrive at Ladon with a thunderclap as he coils around Fen’s body. Putting power into my legs, I jump as hard as I can at the serpent’s head.

  I feel like gravity doesn’t exist: from my perception, I am floating toward the rear of Ladon’s head. Pulling back my short swords, ‘Twin Nightingale’, I poise myself before stabbing both weapons down into the back of the serpent’s head to secure my position.

  The short swords pierce Ladon’s tough scales like a hot knife through butter. I feel a strong feedback from forcefully stopping myself, but perhaps due to the pain in my head or effects of ‘Perceptual Sight’ it feels like it is someone else’s body that suffers from it.

  I don’t have the thought capacity to use my Sacred Arts, so I can only blindly slash and hack with my short swords, doing very minimal damage against the serpent. I try to hold my eyes open while attacking, but the pain crashes against the inside of my skull like ocean waves, making me involuntarily shut my eyes and scrunch my brow.

  Somehow or another, I do manage to get Ladon’s attention. He releases Fen from his bind in order to attack me. However, I still have clarity, and using my boosted perception and speed of processing information, I barely dodge the attacks that could instantly kill me.

  I enter a hopeless situation as my consciousness wavers and as a result, I fail to position myself to avoid the approaching giant serpent fangs. Just as I shut my eyes to fight the pain and resign myself to my fate, I hear a wolf’s roar followed by a serpent’s hissing and a large collision next to me.

  Opening my eyes, a sight that I will never forget burned itself into my mind. Ladon is on the ground barely inches away from me; Fen is on top of him with her fangs sunk deep into his neck. Not only that, but their health bars as well. Fen has a single sliver of health left, while Ladon’s is empty. Not only is it empty, but the bar itself is crumbling away like ashes.

  The giant serpent body twitches a few times and reflexively flicks its tail, but soon even that stops. Ladon’s giant body begins to fall apart in ashes just like his health bar, indicating his death.

  The fallen AI is soon completely gone, scattered in the wind that he would have controlled, leaving behind only a stone tablet and sword. I get a notification that someone died in front of me, but I don’t care as long as it’s not Fen.

  The giant wolf in front of me slowly turns back into the Fen who is always beside me, the wolf girl then leaps over to support me in her arms.

  ‘Huh, support me?’ My mind surprisingly thinks through the pain.

  I only now realize that I’ve collapsed, unable to move a single part of my body. Fen holds me tightly with tears in her eyes, bending down to kiss me on the lips. She then mumbles a few words to me, but I can’t hear her properly. Everything feels surreal, as if it is happening to someone else, not me.

  Fen’s eyes open in surprise, and I see the tip of a sword sticking out from her chest. She tilts forward as the last of her health empties and reaches zero. It is at this moment I notice the party screen, where Sir Laurence is also gone due to being killed.

  ‘I see, he died. It’s only me and Fen left... Huh, Fen... FEN!!’

  My mind is shaken awake by Fen collapsing on me and I force my eyes wide open. I still can’t move my body, but I see Chronix standing over me looking down with the stone tablet in hand. He only has thirty percent of his health left as he smiles at me and monologues.

  “I don’t know what this tablet is, but clearly it is very important. My entire party died in the fight between those two monsters, and now I am out of potions. I would have just disappeared with this tablet, but I can’t have that Thing that is always with you chasing after me by scent. Good thing it was nearly dead already.”

  “It’s such a shame, but I guess I win in the end. If only you were more cautious and saw this coming. Well, you don’t seem to be able to move, so I’ll just leave you there. Better luck next time.”

  As Chronix finishes speaking, a different voice echoes from behind him. “Good thing I can still move then.”

  A massive sword cleaves down on Chronix, taking away half of his remaining health, and before he can react, instantly changes its trajectory and slashes through him again. Chronix stares in disbelief as his health falls to zero before he collapses on the ground in a pitiful position. He was still holding the stone tablet in his hand and didn’t put it in his inventory, so it is left behind as his body turns into motes of light and vanishes.

  Not only is the stone tablet left behind, but also a small mountain of gold. Chronix must have been carrying a stupendous amount of gold to drop so much on his death. By my estimations, the amount dropped should be in the tens of thousands.

  “I guess... you’re really one of us now, huh,” I struggle to say as I look up at Gladox who stands behind where Chronix was.

  “Indeed I am. I’ve killed your worst enemy, so we’re already on the same team. No harm in staying together for a while. But Lost... Fen.”

  “It’s … alright, she … will be fine.”

  Indeed, Fen didn’t turn into ashes and vanish like Ladon did when her health hits zero. That is because these AIs can only kill each other, and nothing else can grant them death. As for now, she is just asleep.

  “You don’t look so well, Lost, are you okay?” Gladox asks with concern while he moves Fen off me and helps me sit up against a tree. The frozen ground numbs my rear end as a small amount of feeling comes back to my body.

  “Kind of. I should be fine. It’s just that this particular Sacred Art always gives me the worst headache you can possibly imagine. I swear my head may explode one day if I keep using it.”

  “Lost!” Gladox stares at me wide-eyed and shouts. “What do you mean? A technique in the game causes this?! You need to report this to the game company and stop playing for now. Remember, this is only a game.”

  I look at Gladox with meaning before sighing and saying to him. “Enough. I know what you mean, but it isn’t that simple. I have given just that a lot of thought in the past. To others, this may be just a game, but to me it isn’t. I need this game to earn a living, pay the bills, university fees, and food. Also, Fen is here. To me, End Online isn’t a game at all.”

  “Hmm,” Gladox disapprovingly stares at me, but doesn’t openly refute my thoughts.

  “Anyway, for now, let’s just wait for Fen to wake up. I just hope I can move again before the ground thaws. My rear end is soaking in freezing cold water.”

  Gladox roars with laughter at my last words, and I casually send him a party invite at the same time. Surprisingly, even though he never officially joined our party previously, he accepts it this time. I look at the party window that currently only has Gladox, Fen, and myself.


  lvl: 231

  Health: 76/3224

  Stamina: 380/976

  Mana: 120/2445


  lvl: 476

  Health: 4350/11278

  Stamina: 1420/2455



  lvl: 241

  Health: 0/4690

  Stamina: 201/1589

  Mana: 13/2010

  “Gladox, your health is ridiculou
s,” I say dryly after witnessing Gladox’s enormous amount of health points. I also notice Fen has gained twenty levels and somehow gained a large boost to her stats. I wonder if this is due to killing one of the other AIs.

  Gladox has a troubled expression at my words, replying indecisively, “It isn’t as great as it appears...”

  “So you have your own troubles then. I should have known, after all, every friend I have made here seem to be unique in some way or another.”

  “Hahah, then you should have known indeed.”

  Gladox, the sleeping Fen, and I wait in the forest as the dire flames on the trees finally disappear, as if linked to my exhaustion. The sun also begins to rise somewhere on the horizon, painting the sky above the canopy of trees with vibrant hues of red and yellow. I sit there staring through the roof of the mostly burned trees at the vanishing stars while quietly saying to myself, “Ah, it’s cold... And wet.”

  Chapter 43.5 – Stalwart Troubles

  - Mikhail -

  I arrive at the head office of Idea Imagine just like any other day, prepared to log into End Online and continue the tasks given to me by my boss, Henry. However, since a few weeks ago, nothing has been going right.

  “Mikhail!” Henry shouts out in anger as soon as I enter the office. “I need an update on what is happening with the AI Fen! What’s taking so long?”

  “Sir, the AI has been off the grid ever since it returned to the system. I suspect it has already left the player Lost and has gone into hiding.”

  “Suspect?! Suspecting isn’t good enough, we need undeniable evidence. Come into my office so we can have a chat.”

  I follow my boss into his office which already had the blinds closed for privacy.

  “Mikhail, the rest of the board of directors are having doubts over our current situation. There has even been talk of closing down the entire project. But we have invested far too much into this to throw it all away.”

  “Yes, sir, I am aware.”

  “Good. Well, for now, we need to contain the situation on these rogue AI children in the system. You recall that incident where a girl from the slums died due to mental interference from one of the AI children?”

  “I am, sir.”

  “We haven’t been successful in creating a system that can, at the very least, contain them to the system. They have technological capabilities that are somehow decades beyond ours. Without Xilbril’s support, such a thing has proven to be impossible.”

  “So what am I supposed to do, sir?”

  “The AI Fen is in the middle of this whole drama. For now, you need to do what you were originally told to do. Locate that AI, monitor it, and find out as much information as you possibly can. Remember, do not come in direct conflict with it. These AI evolve in a method that science can’t explain, and they are capable of far more than what is theoretically possible.”

  “Sir, I have been trying. It is just...”

  “It is what, Mikhail?”

  “I haven’t been able to get away from the players in the game who have set me as their guild leader.”

  “That’s nonsense, Mikhail. If you managed to become a guild leader, then that is excellent. Use those people beneath you to find the AI.”

  “Like I have been-”

  “Just do it, Mikhail!”

  “...Yes, sir.”

  Henry dismisses me with a wave of his hand and I leave feeling depressed. Nothing in the game has been going right ever since I created an account and started playing. It is all the fault of this “mother AI” named Xilbril. I recount my understanding of the AI that the game world depends on as I enter the small room where the V-Link I use to connect to End Online is waiting.

  There is so much about this first AI we don’t understand. It is in the form of a small black box, found in the depths of the oldest ancient ruin ever discovered. I was there when it was first recovered all those years ago as a fresh recruit straight out of university.

  Despite understanding so little, we created devices to communicate with it. Because of the mental link we had formed, we had no problems with a language barrier, but the intelligence of this entity was so high that it may have never been a problem in the first place.

  The artificial intelligence within the box had emotions and responses that were very similar to a true person. If there was one notable point, it was the voice it spoke in and the appearance it showed itself as. Xilbril looked like a middle aged woman, flawlessly beautiful in every way, but her voice was ancient beyond recognition.

  The very first words Xilbril spoke when we connected our minds for the first time were, “Father... have you come back for me?”

  That was our first interaction with her. After that, she didn’t speak a lot, but our understanding of her grew in leaps and bounds. She eventually became the cornerstone for our company’s research, helping us by analyzing information and creating theoretical predictions, providing answers to our unfathomable mysteries, and most importantly, helping advance our technology to years beyond any of our competitors.

  Of course, this was all long before Xilbril went silent and refused to cooperate with us.


  As soon as I finish logging in to End Online, I find myself in the depths of the ‘Hero’s Vanguard’ guild hall. It is an extremely stunning mansion that many would dream to be in, but to me, it is like a prison.

  “Guild Leader, you’re back!” A young female player calls out happily as soon she sees me.

  I let out a depressed sigh, not even bothering to return any words before walking off, searching for a way out. I have attempted to escape eleven times, each in ingenious and creative ways, yet the former guild leaders who now form the respectable ‘Elders’ position of this guild see through everything and always have players waiting at my escape point.

  If only I could use their cunning minds to help locate and monitor the AI Fen, I would have all my problems vanish like smoke.

  I walk toward the front of the mansion where a long hall is used for meetings between these ‘Elders’. There are nine members inside, all top level players with unparalleled skill, currently discussing some recently discovered area.

  “Mikhail, it’s good that you’re here!” The foremost member, SlovenKing, calls out cheerfully when he sees me.

  The other eight members are FierceTiger, MaidChan, PeekingGhost, ReaperOfNine, WrathfulSword, OverEmperor, SixLives, and JustInKnight. I get a bad premonition as they all look over at me expectantly, their gazes making my usual confidence and decisiveness sink in defeat.

  “Mikhail, we recently discovered a new raid. As the guild leader, you must lead the expedition over to go and conquer it,” ReaperOfNine says cheerfully.

  “I refuse,” I say while glaring at the insidious group.

  “Now, there’s no need to be like that, I’m sure we can work something out. This can be a situation where we all win,” MaidChan, who is surprisingly male, says coyly.


  “You were looking for that party of players: Lost, Fen, Verde, Sir Laurence, Mason, Matrix, and CaptainGordon, weren’t you?”

  “What about them?” I ask warily, wondering what their angle is on bringing them up.

  “We just happen to have some information on them you might be interested in.”

  “What!? What is it!?”

  “No need to be impatient. How about we discuss it after this raid?”

  “...Fine,” I reluctantly agree.

  If I can get them to help me with my job, it will make my impossible task suddenly easy. But I know it won’t be that simple; these players are always full of schemes.


  Several days later, a full line up of six parties, including myself, reach the location of the raid. We travelled all the way to the northern cape of the Kingdom of Dalbe, northeast of Swordbreak, before boarding a ship already waiting for us. We then sailed north until we reached a la
rge island which had several thousand players, all from ‘Hero’s Vanguard’, exploring while levelling.

  In the center of the island there is a desolate city that has long since fallen into ruin. Crumbling houses and towers fill my vision all the way to the horizon as I set my eyes on it.

  “We are the first to discover this location, but it won’t be long until news of it leaks out and others start to come too. We need to be the first to conquer the raid, discover its secrets and once others start coming, sell our information on it,” FierceTiger says passionately while observing the ruined city.

  “Are you saying... that this enormous city is the raid?” I say in shocked disbelief. The scale of the city is far too monstrous to be just a single raid.

  “Indeed it is, our scouts went in and were quickly wiped out. This is why all the ‘Elders’, and even our trusty guild leader, are here: so we will emerge victorious.”

  “I’m not an item...”

  “Hahaha, of course not. You’re our companion, who we would protect with our lives.”


  I try to think positively, that this will be a turning point that will make everything that has happened worth it.

  All six parties march toward the city, soon entering through a broken gate.

  Now entering ‘Raid: Ruins of Valor’

  I am greatly surprised by the notification. I had thought it would only be a certain area of this city that was the raid, but it turns out it was the entire damned place.

  I follow the lead of the other players who climb up onto a collapsing roof and carefully analyze the area around us. I look around in an attempt to identify any notable locations, but everything is in complete ruin and it is difficult to discern anything.

  The others in my party discuss areas I didn’t even notice as standing out, including several half collapsed towers, mansions, and a particular area in the centre of Valor City that appears to have suffered the most damage, as if it was ground zero for a thermonuclear explosion.

  I follow the directions of the guild’s true leaders as we leave the rooftop and proceed to the closest ruined tower. We encounter our first enemies not long after proceeding deeper into the city, a small horde of deformed ghouls knocking down rotted doors and exiting the half-destroyed houses.